AKH Associates
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I was like you looking for job opening and hoping that someone would employ me. The decision was purely due to the perception that getting a job would ensure stability and security. Security thought by our parents are to get the salary, pay the bills, save money, lead a normal life. I was brought up in a society that believes money is the source of all evil. There are millions of people who believe themselves “doomed” to poverty and failure because of some strange force over which they believe they have no control. I decided to break away from the norm, a tough decision that has given me time, money and freedom. I am inviting you to join me. You get to build your own business with little risk, control your working hours and be rewarded with bonuses, recognition, overseas trips and above all peace of mind.

The company
  • Managing RM26.3 billion(1) in funds for more than 1,800,000 account holders
  • The most awarded unit trust management company in Malaysia with 120 major awards won since 1999
  • Strongly supported by the vast resources of Public Bank
  • Has 27 years experience in helping people build a successful unit trust business.
The opportunity
  • Open for enthuasiastic individuals who wants to be Public Mutual unit trust consultants(2).
  • Diploma Holders are encouraged
  • At least 25 years of age
  • Full-time or part-time
The Rewards
  • Unlimited income potential
  • Flexible working hours
  • One-to-one guidance and mentoring
  • Freedom to prioritise your need
  • Great Sales Kit & Presentation

(1) Source: The Edge-Lipper, 18 August 2008 (2)This is a commission-based business opportunity and not salary-based job.





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